We Buy Porsche!
Any number. Any condition.
If you've seen us at an event, or even on the highway headed toward our latest barn find, you've seen our giant WE BUY PORSCHE signs. That's because we're always looking for vintage cars and parts. We buy single cars or batches of 50. A few boxes of parts or tractor trailer loads. We're one of the only groups in the country dedicated to unearthing forgotten hoards of cars and parts and returning them to public circulation so they can help keep more Porsches on the road.
With more than a decade buying and selling Porsches, our commitment to fair dealing is stronger than ever. The number of repeat customers, both buying and selling to us, is a testament to our straightforward approach to business and our honest prices. We are happy to provide references to those interested in doing business with us.
Have a Porsche to sell? Get in touch with Adam. He's happy to chat with you at any point in the process, whether you're ready to sell today or next year. We also buy Porsche parts by the box or truckload. If you're interested in an easy transaction, we're here.
Call or text Adam at 518-705-1355.
Or shoot him an email adam@unobtanium-inc.com